New web site

2020 was a difficult year from all points of view.
A situation which affected everyone, without distinction. During lock-down, unable to go to work physically, we rebooted the website activity, which began a few months ago.
Our company is constantly evolving by following customer needs and market trends. We have increasingly international vocation as our products are shipped and used over all continents;
Therefore it was time for the site, a showcase for us and for our products, to follow our evolution.
Evolution of production processes, machines, services and products. The site where you are navigating, reflects the company in his entire, and it is supplied by all specifications referred to the products manufactured and traded.
We have issued it in 5 languages to fulfill all our customers’ demands, and your taste as well, in our hope, by presenting all information you need, in a simple and clear manner.
Thanks for attention,
Have nice surfing!